
What in the World Could I Have to Blog About?

...this was the question one of my best friends asked me last night...

She proceed to say, "you're not married, you don't have any kids... I just don't see why you do it?"
She is right. I'm not married and I don't have any kids-- thank you Lord, but I still have a life. And frankly, I may not be the best writer in the world, but I totally enjoy sitting down and letting my fingers go wherever my mind may take them.

There are too many people who think their life doesn't really start until they get married (my bff is not one of these people, thank heaven!). But that is such a crock of bologna. I love being single! I don't necessarily want to be to single for forever and I certainly haven't always felt this way. But I am learning to enjoy this time in my life. I'm young and have an amazing group of friends and an amazing family. I'm active, I'm healthy, I love to have fun and go and do things. This is actually an amazingly exciting stage in my life and I want to enjoy every second it!

Life is too short and God is too good to miss out on things He has for you! Each stage and process in your life is important and there are things the Lord wants to teach you and draw out of you and pour into you. I lived way too much of my life wanting to jump ahead to the next stage without truly enjoying where I was... I am tried of living that way... I don't want to put God on my terms any longer but start living in HIS terms and HIS time.


Sara Beth Stout said...

Oh please keep blogging. I love your blog! And my life began long before my husband even come along! and your life is very exciting and fun! I love you!

Vanessa said...

Great post!! Keep it up. I love your refreshing perspective. Hope to see you soon.