
Update on Below Post...

My Dad informed me the other evening over dinner that foosball is not a sport and the correlation between tennis and foosball didn't really work...

But he obviously forgot the pain I endured back in high school because of my "foosball injury" [my mother and I still refer to it as that]

He may be correct, foosball is probably not considered a sport. But that does not negate the pain I suffered when I was a senior in high school from playing foosball for hours on end at a friend's house one night. I woke up the next morning with the most throbbing pain in my right arm. I couldn't imagine what I had done to cause such terrible pain (at the time I was unaware my night of fun could be at fault). Thankfully my father is a chiropractor who specializes in extremities (that is arms and legs folks) so I went to see him. He then sent me to the massage therapist who as she was working on my arm informed me I had inflamed my muscles because of playing foosball the night before. I never would have guessed it, honestly!

Now folks, this sounds dramatic, I know. I only tell this story to add some credibility to my below post. And hopefully you'll laugh a little bit and all will be well!

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