
I guess I really am Southern

I am sure some of you are wondering how my trip to NYC was, or more importantly, my blind date... I understand, I would be wondering myself.

So I want to put your minds to rest...

NYC Blind Date was not the one for me. It was a totally fun experience. I don't regret going one tiny bit! It was fun to get dressed up and go out on the town and meet someone new. But I am pretty sure I am southern through and through and I'm not sure that meshes so well with a northerner through and through (unless of course this is something the Lord has ordained and then it could probably be done).

I now understand why my mother is always saying this to me: "I am so happy [thankful, etc.] that we were able to raise you in the south." I would always hear her say this to me, but I never took it much to heart. I didn't really think there was that much different between the north and the south, honestly.

My mother's family is from Ohio and they are great people! Although, they have lived in Georgia for over 25 years now and for my mom and her siblings that is longer than they lived in Ohio. So, maybe, just maybe, the south has managed to get in their blood.

We still keep many of our family's northern traditions. On New Year's when all my friend's families are eating black eyed peas and collard greens we're eating hot dogs and sauerkraut. At Easter we eat pickled beats and eggs-- I know no one down here who has that tradition. But I'm glad we are able to integrate our northern roots into our southern lives.

I am the first person in my family to be born and raised in the South. And to be honest, I'll be happy to always call the south, particularly Georgia, my home!

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