
Waiting at the Capitol

I have been sitting at my little "intern desk" all day today. This is an odd occasion. Usually I find some reason to escape from my little desk. Generally I take a lunch outing, visit another office, or take a lap or two around this place I have learned to love over the past four months

I'm not sure why I haven't left my desk today.

I haven't been busy. Busy isn't a word associated with my job these days. The Capitol is the sort of place that is either dead or running on overdrive.

The past four weeks have been dead.

I come in, check my work email, my personal email, and Facebook. And then I wait. I wait for the phone to ring, a little message to flash across the bottom of my screen alerting me I have a new email, or someone to suddenly appear in our little office to visit for a while. I am really just waiting for something (or even someone) to entertain me and fill my day with something other than waiting.

I really have never cared much for waiting. And it has never been particularly easy for me. My mind wonders too much to just sit around and wait.

I like to know what direction I am headed in and where I am going to end up. But to sit around and wait to find out where I'm going is like torture. So, I fill my days with busyness trying to forget the fact that there is something I am waiting for. There seem to be so many things I am waiting on these days:

My twenty-fifth birthday-- I know crazy, but I am excited.
My next job/a career.
My husband.
Buying a new car.
Moving out on my own.

I am reminded of the Psalms that says: I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning [130: 5-6].

I cannot imagine being a watchmen. Watching and waiting is their job. They don't just sit around filling their time with busyness until something happens-- they watch and they wait and when something happens they are ready.

I want to be ready!

So no matter what is next I will be waiting... and watching... and hoping... like it is my job.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said...Why is waiting so hard? I can be very impatient when I want to see things done... but somehow all throughout the Bible God puts His children in times of waiting... and we know that He always has a purpose in it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!