

[don't be scared this isn't going to be some deep theological discussion... it's me folks]

Ever do something and then wonder, stress-out, lose sleep, etc. etc. if you just totally blew any change you ever had at getting what you hoped for?

If SO, repeat after me: "I cannot mess up the will of God in my life. I cannot mess up the will of God in my life. I cannot mess up the will of God in my life."

Now breath deeply and relax. God is sitting on the throne and He is still in control. God is sovereign. And He is good and loving, kind and compassionate, and wants the best for His children!

I looked Sovereignty up on Merriam-Webster and found this: "freedom from external control." How encouraging is that-- the Lord's will is free from any external control folks... walk in that freedom and follow after Him... and you'll be fine!


Daniel Crawford said...

I needed that today! Thanks!

www.dgrodrigosandri.blogspot.com said...
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