When I get upset I try my darnest not to curse...at times I am more successful then at others. I blame my natural tendency to curse on my German heritage, but as a Christan I find that really doesn't cut it. I'm not always so good at holding them in, but I have been trying...
My friends always seem to get a kick out of the little expressions I use to replace curse words so I thought I would share a few, just in case you are trying to kick the habit.
"Holy Smokes"-- I generally use this when I am really excited or surprised by something.
"Holy Moly"-- when I tire of saying "Holy Smokes" I say "Holy Moly," also depends on the crowd.
"Geeze and Crackers"-- not sure when I use this one, but I use it a lot.
"Jimmie Christmas"-- trying not to take the Lord's name in vain folks!
"Shut the front door"-- when something is really shocking to me and I can't believe it I say this.