
Today I felt like I was back in COLLEGE

... it was great!

I had the day off so I decided to drive to Athens [so not my aluma mater] to visit my dear, sweet friend. His birthday is next Friday, the big 2-5, and I won't be in town to celebrate with him so I thought why not celebrate a little bit early.

We went to lunch downtown Athens at this little Indian place, ate the lunch buffet [that is how much I love this guy] and then he headed back to class and I headed over to his house. I was just going to drop off some cookies and head back to Atlanta but my friend just happens to live with five of the most amazing guys in Athens, so I stayed to visit.

This is something I truly miss about being in college--hanging out. We just don't do this in the "real world" [sure you may hang out after work or on the weekends, but is it really the same?] I mean who is home at 3 o'clock in the afternoon to just sit around and visit? Or, if you are lucky enough to be home in the afternoon everyone else is still at work. And if you are home you are probably trying to get stuff done like laundry or paying the bills or walking the dog...

But in college someone is always home... and usually up for hanging out...

So, today I sat and visited for a while. It was nice and I'm really glad I got to do it!

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